(505) 501-7541  3911 4th St NW Ste D, Albuquerque, NM 87107


Written Orders (requisitions)
ABQ MRI requires written orders for all scans requested. Please send orders (by fax) prior to the procedure. Our fax number is (505) 521-5147. ABQ MRI requires that the referring physician’s signed order be in our possession prior to the patient being scanned. If the written order is not in our possession prior to the scan, the patient will be rescheduled at a later time. If the patient was scheduled within 24 hours of the appointment and the patient arrived without the written order, we will call your office to get an immediate fax copy or we will work with the patient and your office to reschedule the procedure as soon as possible.
Final Reports
Reports are available online through our online portal. For a link, username and password, contact your account representative by calling (505) 361-1931. You will receive a final report via Email or Fax as requested within 48 hours.
Letter of Protection
ABQ MRI specializes in personal injury and motor vehicle accident victims. We are happy to work under attorney liens and letters of protection. Please help us by letting us know who the patients attorney is along with their contact information. We will need the signed LOP before a patient can be scanned.
Turn around Time
All bills, records, and reports are available in real time on our portal. You can send all LOP’s and referral requests through it as well. If you have any questions regarding the portal please contact your account representative. We’re always happy to help. If you prefer to receive information via fax or email we’re happy to oblige.
ABQ MRI is happy to provide transportation for patient visits.

Contact information

We are an MRI and XRay Center specializing in providing imaging services for auto accident and personal injury patients. Our experienced staff is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care for our patients, ensuring accurate diagnostic results and a speedy recovery.

Copyright: © 2024 ABQ MRI. All Rights Reserved.

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