(505) 501-7541  3911 4th St NW Ste D, Albuquerque, NM 87107

Contact Us Today for Accurate Diagnostic Imaging Services

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions or concerns? We’re here to help. Please review our most frequently asked questions, for more direct assistance contact ABQ MRI directly.

What is an MRI and how does it work?
An MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body. It works by aligning the hydrogen atoms in the body’s tissues and organs, and then disrupting this alignment with radio waves. As the atoms realign, they emit signals that are used to create the images.
How should I prepare for my imaging appointment?
Depending on the type of imaging you will be having, there may be different preparation requirements. Generally, you will be instructed to wear comfortable clothing and avoid wearing anything metallic. You may also need to fast for a certain period of time prior to your appointment. Our team will provide you with specific instructions when you schedule your appointment.
Are there any risks associated with medical imaging?
While medical imaging is generally safe, there are some risks associated with certain types of imaging, such as radiation exposure from X-rays. However, the benefits of accurate diagnosis and treatment often outweigh the risks. Our team will always take appropriate measures to minimize any potential risks and ensure your safety during the imaging process.
How long will my imaging appointment take?
The length of your imaging appointment will depend on the type of imaging you are having and the specific details of your appointment. Generally, most appointments take between 30 minutes to an hour. Our team will give you a more accurate estimate when you schedule your appointment.
How soon will I receive the results of my imaging test?
The time it takes to receive your imaging test results will depend on the specific test and the interpretation of the images. In many cases, our team can provide preliminary results shortly after your appointment. However, more detailed analysis may take longer. We will provide you with an estimated timeline for receiving your results when you schedule your appointment.
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